Identification of the Data Controller


Postal Address: Tunnelplaats 8, bus 0707, ANTWERP


Phone Number:+32 488 14 90 68

Purposes of Data Processing

The personal data collected is used to respond to contact requests, improve user experience, support marketing activities, and enhance advertising.

Legal Basis for Processing

The processing of personal data is based on user consent given through the cookie banner in accordance with GDPR guidelines, as well as on legitimate interest to improve user experience and respond to contact requests voluntarily submitted by users.

Categories of Data Collected

The categories of collected data may include:

– Name

– Surname

– Email Address

– Phone Number

– Postal Address

Recipients of Personal Data

Personal data may be disclosed to authorized staff members of Sport Facility, as well as to third-party service providers such as a marketing agency.

Data Transfers to Third Countries

Personal data is processed in Belgium. However, some third-party service providers may be based outside the European Union. In such cases, appropriate protection measures are implemented to ensure the security of data transfers.

Data Retention Period

Personal data will be retained for a period of 5 years after the last interaction with the customer.

Rights of Data Subjects

Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, rectify, delete, restrict processing, transfer, and object to its processing. 


User consent is obtained clearly and explicitly through the cookie banner for the processing of personal data, as well as for the voluntary submission of contact forms.

Use of Third-Party Tools

The website uses the following third-party tools for site performance analysis and advertising tracking:

– Google Analytics (GA4) and Tag Manager

– Meta Pixel

– MonsterInsights

– Google Site Kit

Data Security

Appropriate technical and organizational measures are implemented to ensure the security of personal data, including those related to the use of third-party tools.

Procedures in Case of Data Breach

In the event of a personal data breach, procedures are in place to notify the relevant supervisory authority and data subjects within the timeframes required by law.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Questions regarding data protection can be addressed to: INFO@TEXTILESTUDIO.COM


Complaints can be addressed via email to: INFO@TEXTILESTUDIO.COM

GDPR Charter Updates:

This GDPR charter is subject to regular updates to reflect changes in data processing practices or legal requirements, including those related to the use of third-party tools.

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